
Thursday, June 7, 2012

CISCO IOS CLI and command modes

The Cisco IOS command line interface (CLI) is a text-based program that enables
 the entering and executing of Cisco IOS commands to configure, monitor, and maintain Cisco devices.
Almost All  CISCO device use similar CLI,  When the router has completed the power on sequence, and the Router> command appears, that Initial mode of  All the CISCO Device, that we call User Exec mode,
Now CLI can used IOS command,  this mode used to enter privilege mode, monitoring some status, network connectivity(ping, traceroute), lets move to next Mode by typing  enable and hit enter.
Router# !wellcome to Privilege Exec mode, many command available used such as Monitoring, debugging, configuring, configuration saving, and much more.  type configure terminal or conf  t  goto gobble configuration mode
Router#conf t 
Router(config)#!this is a primary Configuration mode, Almost 99.99% Command for a configuration, 
Router(config)#!Other modes are sub-configuration, 
Router(config-if)# ! Interface configuration,
Router(config-router)# !Router configuration,
Router(config-line)# !  terminal line confuguration,
basically i have discussed about 4 CLI modes, those are User Exec, privilege mode, gobble configuration,
and Sub-config mode as below image.

What exactly Cisco organization do ?

Cisco is massive company they offer network priority product, software, services, certification  and much more...

1) Their primary product's is Routers and Switches,
other products is Firewall system, VoIP system,  Video conferencing equipment, .....

2) Cisco every routers and switch's running IOS (originally Internet Operating System), they had more people writing software. most of the software was for their own proprietary products

3) I am not talking about what services they have.

4) Cool topic is Cisco priority Certification program,
Cisco certification path as bottom image


What mean CISCO has ?

1) The name is not an acronym but an abbreviation of San Francisco. The company's logo        reflects its San Francisco name heritage. It represents a stylized Golden Gate Bridge. 

2) but a yahoo answer is it's Just a name, nothing more, can have other meanings but it's just a company name.

3) Computer Information System Company